Currently, a Benediction Farm retreat runs from early evening on Friday until about 11 AM on Sunday, after worship.
Note: Retreats run from 6 PM Friday to 11 AM Sunday. Retreats are automatically scheduled through the web portal as three sessions, starting at 6 PM Friday because that’s how this scheduling software works. Multiple sessions = one retreat.
All Retreats are at Benediction Farm, in beautiful, agricultural Madison County. We are about 35 minutes North of Charlottesville, or 90 minutes from Richmond or Dulles Airport.
5407 South Blue Ridge Turnpike
Rochelle, Virginia 22738
Currently, the 1887 Farmhouse can only accommodate 8 on retreat, so please register early.
Cost is $120, due at registration. But please, let us know if this is prohibitive in any way.
If an hour’s private conversation with Wade would be helpful, please register for a spot.
We look forward to this being a time of refreshment for you. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 434-242-3089
What to Expect
You are free to ‘make your own retreat,’ or follow the planned theme of each gathering. In either case, there will be several hours of silence, as well as lunch time and dinner conversations. There is free time for resting and exploring the property. Meals and linens are provided. (If you have ‘that special pillow’ feel free to bring it along.)
What to Bring
The Farm is very in touch with its land and weather; so, you need to bring clothes for warm or chilly weather. If you plan to walk the pastures, be sure to bring good walking shoes. We can provide insect repellant. You might want to bring your own Bible, or we can provide one.
Any special needs?
Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions, or anything else you think our knowing would make the retreat a better experience.
Most bedrooms are on the second floor. If not a couple, you may be asked to share a bedroom with another retreatant. Each bedroom has its own bath.