Clergy Retreats
A Very Practical Theology Seminar at Benediction Farm
It is a healthy Lenten practice for people to confess their sins using the Prayer Book’s Reconciliation of Penitents. But we can learn from each other, and grow to be more confident and wise as confessors.
That’s the purpose of this seminar: the first in our Very Practical Theology series at Benediction Farm. This one is hosted together with All Souls Anglican Church in Richmond, where they have experienced some unexpected ministry come through the practice.
Our conversations will be guided by our questions and the book Go in Peace: The art of hearing confessions
The Seminar is open to all Anglican clergy.
The event is on Tuesday, February 27 (in time for Lent.) And it will last from 10:00 to 2:00. There will be a homemade lunch. Cost is $15.
Registration for this Very Practical Theology Seminar is limited to 30.
All Retreats are at Benediction Farm, in beautiful, agricultural Madison County. We are about 35 minutes North of Charlottesville, or 90 minutes from Richmond or Dulles Airport.
5407 South Blue Ridge Turnpike
Rochelle, Virginia 22738
.We look forward to this being a time of refreshment for you. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 434-242-3089
What to Bring
The Farm is very in touch with its land and weather; so, you need to bring clothes for warm or chilly weather. If you plan to walk the pastures, be sure to bring good walking shoes. We can provide insect repellant.
Any special needs?
Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions, or anything else you think our knowing would make the retreat a better experience.